Time & Sales Agg

Searcher-counter of tick data



Type: Market Data

Features: Search, Explore, Сompare

Searcher-counter of tick data, designed for working with TICK CHART and BOX CHART.

It visualizes rating of ticks by date and time of the trading session.

Can be used for creating mid-term strategies that take into account the effect of large players’ transactions on the market.

It also helps to find the best concepts for entering the market with minimum risk.




Market Data

Search, Explore, Сompare

Searcher-counter of tick data, designed for working with TICK CHART and BOX CHART.

It visualizes rating of ticks by date and time of the trading session.

Can be used for creating mid-term strategies that take into account the effect of large players’ transactions on the market.

It also helps to find the best concepts for entering the market with minimum risk.

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